Friday, April 29, 2011


Onyx was very popular with the ancient Greeks and Romans.
The name comes from the Greek word onux, meaning fingernail. The story is that one day frisky Cupid cut the divine fingernails of Venus with an arrowhead while she was sleeping. He left the clippings scattered on the sand and the fates turned them into stone so that no part of the heavenly body would ever perish. 
True, black isn't normally the color one associates with fingernails.  But in Greek times, almost all colors of chalcedony from white to dark brown and black were called onyx.  Today when we think of onyx we often preface the word with black to distinguish it from other varieties of onyx that come in white, reddish brown, brown and banded. Later, the Romans narrowed the term "onyx" to refer to black and dark brown colors only.
Most Black Onyx that is commercially available today is color enhanced (heated and dyed) to increase it's depth of color, although this process does not decrease it's value in any manner.

Although onyx, sard and sardonyx are all varieties of chalcedony, onyx is similar to agate, with straight rather than curved bands.  These bands may be brown and white or black and white. Sard is a brownish red variety, sardonyx is a blend of sard and onyx and therefore has the straight white bands of onyx and the brownish red color of sard.
Onyx is mined in  Brazil, India,  California and Uruguay. It has a fine texture and black color; however some onyx also displays white bands or ribbons against a black or brown background and again, this variety is known as sardonyx. 

Mystical Properties:

Onyx is thought to increase regeneration, happiness, intuition and one's instincts. It is also told to decrease sexual desire, and to aid in changing bad habits.
The shapes or patterns that onyx holds inside it have led some to suggest that Onyx has a picture in it that tells a story or carries a lesson. Lore tells us that an onyx will retain memory of the physical occurrences surrounding a person. A strong stone to use in psychic work as it tells the story of the wearer. 
A strength-giving stone, good for athletes or people under extreme mental and emotional stress. It brings balance to mind or body as well as strength of mind. Onyx is a wonderful  stone for those who are flighty by nature, as it will help ground and focus your attention. A strengthening stone that can help you approach a lesson or task with greater self-confidence. It is highly recommended that Onyx be used in conjunction with pearls and diamonds to increase their own metaphysical qualities.

Healing Properties:Onyx must be laid directly on the body or worn over a long period of time as it's power develops quite slowly. It is known to be particularly helpful with skin ailments, healing infected wounds as well as fungal infections, inflammation and even sunburn.  Pat the affected skin with onyx water several times during the day and cover with an onyx water compress at night.
Due to the fact that onyx needs time to develop its full power, it should be discharged once a week under running water, and if used for a long period of time, it should be placed in the earth overnight once a month. This will regenerate it to help keep it's energy strong.

Magical Properties:Energy: Projective
Element: Fire
Deity: Mars
Associated Stone: Diamond

Powers: Protection, defensive magic, reducing sexual desires  
Ancient magic lore tells us that in times long past, onyx was thought to be the manifestation of a demon imprisoned in the stone. This demon would awake in the night and spread terror and nightmares to any persons within its range of influence.
Since antiquity, though, onyx has been known to actually be used as protection against black magic, as well as defensive magic when negativity is directed toward you.
Onyx will also help you gain emotional balance and self-control, when added to the benefit that it also balances the male and female polarities within each person, this is quite a powerful stone to have in your divination rituals, whether for protection or otherwise.
Zodiac:Associations: Saturn, Earth 
Mystical Birthstone for the Month of December, and birthstone of most ancient cultures for the month of July.
Stone of Capricorn for a positive influence, and Leo, to dream of onyx signifies a happy life with a suitable companion.

Chakra Classification:
Onyx is associated primarily with the 1st, Root or Base Chakra. It assists with challenges in life, especially those caused by a drain of energy. It prevents the draining away of personal energy and can be used for protection from such. It also helps with grounding and controlling or eliminating excess or unwanted energies.
Black onyx and red onyx are associated with the 1st, Root or Base Chakra. White onyx is associated with linking the 1st, Root or Base Chakra and 7th, Crown Chakra to have balanced energy throughout the chakra system. Excellent for centering and aligning your full being with higher powers. 

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