Friday, April 29, 2016

Crystals and their healing powers

Stress is unavoidable in any society and is a symptom of our inability or ineffectiveness
to accept change as fast as it seems thrust upon us. We must adapt quickly to
disappointments, shock and traumas, physical pain, and other tremendous emotional and
psychological imbalances in our environments. It isn't easy to keep up with the changes!
Crystals are particularly good at helping us adapt to changes in energy frequencies
created through stressful situations.

There seems to be a crystal for every form of stress including financial (Citrine), relationships (Rose Quartz) and burnout (Smokey Quartz). Having a large crystal in a room can also help reduce stress, by reducing negative energies and harmonizing imbalanced energy patterns. By wearing the crystals through out the day, preferably as a full necklace, as a pendant, or in a small pouch at the Heart Chakra; the vibrations of the crystals will continue to affect areas of the imbalance, restoring a positive state where the imbalance has occurred.The effects of crystal healing at the emotional and psychological levels are subtle, yet are often noticed more by others than yourself!

Sunday, May 8, 2011


The ancient Egyptians wore jasper scarabs as amulets as th stone was believed to increase sexual energy.  According to the Bible, jasper was a direct gift from God and would be the first foundation stone of the New Jerusalem.  Also, both Indians in Asia as well as Native Americans see jasper as a magical rain stone and also a powerful healing stone.
Jaspers is called an ornamental rock, it is an opaque and fine grained variety composed mostly of chalcedony, microcrystalline quartz, in association with other minerals, which is what give it those colorful bands and patterns.  It is found in almost all colors.

Found worldwide, a wide variety of named jaspers is found in the western areas of the Unites States; California, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Wyoming and Washington.
Picture jasper is a petrified or silicated mud that dripped into gas pockets in molten lava. It became superheated and then solidified forming the unusual banded patterns which are typical of this stone.

Jasper is a massive, fine-grained, opaque variety of chalcedony, believed to protect against sight defects and drought.  It may occur in shades of brown, grayish-blue, red, yellow, green and even purple.
"Orbicular" jasper has white or gray, eye-shaped patters surrounded by red jasper.  "Ribbon" Jasper is striped and used in carvings, cameos and intaglios, which help to show off it's layered structure. Hornstone is a gray variety of jasper.

A Few of the Named Jaspers:
BlackLeopard SkinExoticaDalmatian
RainbowPictureYellowMorgan Hill
Stone CanyonPicassoMookaiteZebra

Traditionally when worn as a decorative necklace jasper is known to combat exhaustion.  
Jasper is protective. It can align all the chakras and balance yin yang energies, it is stabilizing and healing. Legend says that Jasper would drive away evil spirits and protect against snake and spider bites. In the fourth century it was thought to bring about the rain.
As well, Jaspers of all kinds have long been attributed magical powers in just about every culture known to man. Jasper was used in Ancient European times as a "rain bringer" and it is interesting to note that the word for jasper in some American Indian cultures also meant, "Rain Bringer".

When laid on therapeutically, red jasper stimulates sexuality and fertility. Red-brown jasper is particularly beneficial in the treatment of liver, spleen and pancreas issues.  Drinking jasper water on hour before each meal is said to promote weight loss (to create jasper water, place the stone each night into a glass of water and cover, by morning it will have become jasper water).  To combat constipation, drink the entire glass of jasper water every second day, the very first thing in the morning.  
Yellow jasper is particularly good for menopausal women, and they should drink the jasper water each and every morning.  In addition, yellow jasper is known to strengthen the immune system.

Jasper is a fairly common stone, and it is generally worn or carried to promote mental processes and to restrain dangerous desires or whims that may lead to hazardous situations.
Jasper need direct contact with the skin, after each use, the stone should be cleaned under warm running water and recharged overnight in a bowl of tumbled hematite stones to be recharged.
Each color of jasper has it's own corresponding magical nature and uses:
Red Jasper (energy: projective, element: fire, planet: Mars)
Red jasper was typically engraved with images of lions and archers and carried to guard against poison and to cure fevers. A fine protective stone it is often used in defensive magic, as it sends negativity back to the original sender.  It is also used during health and healing spells, as well red jasper is worn by young women to promote beauty and grace.
Brick Red Jasper 
Often called the "mother of all stones" and the first transformer due to is magical properties.  This stone will balance all chakras, stabilize the energy fields and protect the wearer for negativity by absorbing those vibrations.
Green Jasper (energy: receptive, element: earth, planet: Venus)
Green Jasper is the talisman for healing and health. Ring green candles with green jasper to promote the body's healing or to ward off ill-heath.  Wear green jasper to halt hallucinations and to promote a restful sleep. It is also worn to become more sympathetic to others and their emotional as well as mental states.
Brown Jasper (energy: receptive, element: earth, planet: Saturn)Wearing brown jasper will help for centering and grounding, especially after a heavy magical ritual, psychic or spiritual work.  If you tend ot live with your head in the clouds to the point of possibly endangering you own life, please wear brown jasper for grounding and protection.
Mottled Jasper (energy: projective, element: air, planet: Mercury)
For protection against drowning wear mottled jasper.  It is said to e especially potent for this type of protection when it is cared with the image of an equal armed cross, which represents the powers of the four elements, of foundation and control.
Black Jasper
Should be worn when you would like for other people to leave you alone; it is quite good for personal sacred and ritual spaces.
Helps to regain and or use your personal power. It balances and protects the third chakra.

Mystical Birthstone for the Month of October.
Stone of Scorpio and Aries as well as Virgo, it symbolizes will power, and in the Middle Ages it was known as the Warrior's Stone. Legend holds that jasper is the stone that adorned
Siegfried's Sword.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Jade or "yu" as it is called in China, truly is one name for two separate gems with similar characteristics.  The first being Jadeite, the second Nephrite, both are indeed "Jade".
It was in 1863 when the two stones were recognized separately. Nephrite is more common, but both are tough, fine-grained rocks, suitable for carving.  

Jadeite, though, made up of interlocking ,granular pyroxene crystals, occurs in a wide range of colors, such as green, lilac, white, pink, brown, red, blue, black, orange and yellow.  The most prized variety, imperial jade, is a deep rich emerald green due to chromium content.  Jadeite commonly has a dimpled surface when polished.

Nephrite is found as aggregates of fibrous amphibole crystals. This composite forms an interlocking structure that is tougher than steel.  Colors may vary from a dark green (which is rich in iron) to a cream color (which is high in magnesium). Nephrite jade may be homogeneous in color, banded or blotchy.
In Chinese tradition, jade symbolized the five virtues of humanity: wisdom, compassion, justice, modesty and courage. Symbols of these virtues were often carved into jade.

Jadeite is found in metamorphic rock as as well as alluvial pebbles or boulders.  Some of the largest sources for jadeite is Myanmar, which has supplied China with translucent imperial jade for over 200 years.

Nephrite has been carved by the Chinese for over 2,000 years, although the raw material was undoubtedly first imported form Turkestan, it wasn't until later that it came from Myanmar.

Jade is a gemstone of much history, it has been part of Asian philosophy for centuries.  It is often called the "dream stone" for its ability to help one access the non-physical spirit realms. It is a protective stone, and acts as a ward against negative energies.
This is a stone that can help you to attain your goals and dreams, instilling resourcefulness, and allowing you to see past your self imposed limitations and manifest your ideas into the physical world.
Jade, considered a very lucky stone, facilitates peace and harmony between the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of ones life. When all of these aspects operate in harmony and balance, goals become easier to reach.
It is said to promote courage, compassion, justice, generosity, humility, wealth and longevity, to lead a richer more fulfilling life.

Jade is said to be a stone of the heart, strengthening it as well as the kidneys, nervous system and immune system and to promote health in the organs that purify the blood. 
Jade of all types and colors are very protective and particularly strong for children against illness.
Jade also has very powerful calming vibrations that are beneficial in a great many ways.
  • Green creates calm, harmony and peace, it will counteract depression, banish evil spirits, and may produce dreams that are vivid and accurate.
  • Black is helpful when one is feeling under attack and survival is even in question, this stone will give one strength to fight.
  • Blue helps to neutralize karmic influences and the emotional issues that are tied to them, as well it will assist in relaxation and meditation.
  • Brown or Gray calms and drains off excessive energy; temporarily less the impact of many karmic events. These colors will also help with adjusting to new surroundings, and settling negative events in the home.
  • Lavender is known to assist with fresh ideas and creativity. It is said to bring psychic understanding of ones dreams, and to aid in recovering form any negative love situation.
  • Orange or Pink are both said to be beneficial in creating healthy skepticism.
  • Red is known to aid in dealing with feelings of anger and releasing tension.
  • White is extremely calming and can be used for grounding as well as assist in making decisions.
  • Yellow is told to help one gain a better understanding of the opposite sex.
 Energy: Receptive
Element: Water
Powers: Love, healing, longevity, wisdom, protection, gardening, prosperity, money 
Jade is an ancient love attracting stone, carved into a butterfly, in China it is worn to draw love. It is also an excellent stone for business people and musicians.
If you would like to experience more vivid dreams, place a piece of green jade under your pillow.  If however you would like to gain a greater understanding of the meaning of your psychic dreams, add a piece of lavender jade under the pillow with the green.  To assist in attracting and important spiritual teacher during your dream time, gold jade under the pillow will be of help.
If you are looking to cover most all of life difficulties to obtain help in dealing with them, purchase a jade bracelet of several different colors.

Jade is a mystical birthstone for the month of March.

Strongly recommended for Libras as well as Pisces and Cancer, jade symbolizes renewal. 

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Malachite stones are formed when copper is exposed to water and while malachite is formed over hundreds (thousands) of years as water seeps through copper formations within the group, the same chemical reactions that cause it to form is what happens when copper is exposed to water (humidity) and turns green.
Rarely are malachite stones found in crystal form. Usually it is found in small grape like balls or larger mass forms similar to stalagtite bases, where the liquid minerals have dripped over time.
The most highly sought after pieces have intricate bands of color. Often these bands form "eyes" within a piece. You will often find these eyes called "peacock eyes" within the jewelry industry for they are highly sought after by collectors.
Azurite often grows with malachite. Both are formed where copper is plentiful and it is not unusual to find these two minerals growing together in one stone.

Malachite is believed to be a strong protector of children. It is said to protect the wearer from accidents and protects travelers. Malachite has been used to aid success in business and protect against undesirable business associations. It is a stone of balance in relationships.
Malachite is always green, usually in banded tones varying from very dark green to a mellow green. Most malachite comes from Zaire, Chile and Australia.
Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans used malachite for jewelry and ground it to use as eye shadow. It is used in amulets to protect against the evil eye. In the Middle Ages it was used to protect children from witches and other dangers.

Healing properties of Malachite

Malachite is a stone that should not be used for physical healing. Malachite has been called the "mirror of the soul". It is variable in its condition. It reaches the inner feelings of the person and reflects what is there, negative or positive. It is so beautiful that one would like to wear it in jewelry, but caution must be used when wearing Malachite. It will always reflect how you feel, if you feel negative don't wear Malachite. It reminds us that we have a dual nature and it is up to each person to know and rule his own person. To help get rid of nightmares, keep a piece of Malachite in your bedroom.
Use with copper to increase the power of malachite.


Turquoise is one of the oldest protection amulets, and was also known as a symbol of wealth in many ancient cultures.

If given a turquoise by a loving friend, that stone would protect the wearer from negative energy and bring good fortune. The turquoise is the symbol of friendship. It also brings peace to the home.
This stone is a very personal and meaningful stone to one who wears it. Turquoise takes on the characteristics of the owner.
Turquoise carries great wisdom of basic truth within it. It is one of the oldest stones known. This is a stone that a person must learn to attune to instead of the stone attuning to the person. It is important that the owner of a Turquoise give it the proper attention.

Healing properties of Turquoise

  • Neutralizes overacidity
  • Alleviates rheumatism, gout, stomach problems, viral infections
  • Increases growth, muscular strength
  • Alleviates pain, relaxes cramps
  • Contains anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects
  • Application: should be worn on the solar plexus

Use with copper to increase the power of turquoise.

History of Turquoise

Turquoise is a stone that has been prized for many years. The ancient Egyptians used turquoise in jewelry. Turquoise is greenish-blue or pale sky blue. The name means "Turkish stone" as it came to Europe by way of Turkey. Turquoise was mined more than 6,000 years ago in Sinai. The best turquoise comes from Iran, but not much is exported now. Much turquoise comes from Mexico and the United States today.


Amethyst gets its name from a myth - the Greeks thought wearing amethyst protected them from being drunk. Its name is derived from the greek work amethystos when translated means 'not drunken'.
There is legend surrounding amethyst - about the God Bacchus and the maiden Amethysit. This tale is why the Greeks believed it to be a cure for drunkenness, and why it would be a good stone for alcoholics. However, it would be a good gemstone for addictions - but because of its calming qualities not the legend etc.
To this day amethyst is still worn by Bishops - it is known as the bishops stone. it was thought that amethyst was the perfect gemstone to symbolise the age of aquarius.
If you wish to use any of your amethyst gemstones for healing; keep them in a sunny window all day before you start. These crystals will then be much better at healing and helping dispel any negativity in the home. If you place the amethyst gemstones in the moonlight, it will make everyone in your home feel much calmer. Use amethyst during meditation to increase positive feelings.

Amethyst Gemstone Meanings - Emotional, Spiritual, etc.
  • Greeks believed wearing amethyst would protect the wearer from becoming drunk.
  • Amethyst helps open intuitive and psychic abilities.
  • Amethyst can be used for overstress, overwork and overwhelm.
  • Amethyst is helpful for addictions.
  • Amethyst is commonly associated with peace.
  • Amethyst is helpful for nightmares.
  • Amethyst calms and protects the mind.
  • Amethyst helps open spiritual and psychic centers.
  • Amethyst is a good meditation aid.
  • Amethyst has been used as protection against witchcraft.
  • Amethyst has been used as protection against self-deception.
  • Amethyst symbolises humility, sincerity and spiritual wisdom.
  • Amethyst helps overcome fears.
  • Amethyst helps to sooth constant mental activity.
  • Amethyst clusters can help keep the life-force in your home clean and positive.
  • Amethyst is used to focus energy, and is often used for this purpose by healers.
  • Use amethyst during meditation to increase positive feelings.
  • Amethyst relates to the 6th (Third Eye) and 7th (crown) chakras.

Amethyst Gemstone Meanings - Healing, Medical, Physical, etc.

  • Amethyst is used for anything involving the central nervous system.
  • Amethyst is deemed "nature's tranquilizer" by many healers.
  • Amethyst is helpful for addictions.
  • Amethyst is helpful for nightmares.
  • Amethyst can be used as an elixir to treat toothaches, posture, skeletal discomforts and other bone and joint-related sicknesses. Also for the stomach, hearing disorders, the heart and digestive system.
  • Amethyst helps one accept the passage of death.
  • Amethyst helps with alcoholism.
  • Amethyst can be used to treat convulsions and neuralgia.
  • Amethyst can help alleviate anxiety.
  • Amethyst is used to focus energy, and is often used for this purpose by healers.
  • Amethyst can help with breathing problems.
  • Amethyst can help with the blood, and blood sugar.
  • Amethyst helps overcome cravings.
  • Amethyst helps overcome headaches

Friday, April 29, 2011


The name Kyanite is derived from the Greek word Kyanos meaning blue, and the most popular varieties display the most intense cornflower blues that appear to be almost like sapphire, as well as the greenish blues that are reminiscent of the aquamarine.
However, Kyanite's easy to wear amiable color, unlike its sapphire and aquamarine counterparts, is actually quite affordable. As kyanite, it is fair to say, is suitable for most any skin tone and looks wonderful set into silver or any shade of gold.  This striking color commands and air of individuality and brings self confidences as well as self esteem.

Kyanite is a rare polymorph that displays two separate hardness’s within one gem; a unique characteristic among gem types. Much like Diamonds, Kyanite has perfect cleavage in one direction, this combined with its varying hardness makes Kyanite quite a challenging gem to cut – thus the quality of faceting for Kyanite is an important value consideration. Like all fine gemstones, Kyanite should be treated with the respect it deserves.
Occurring in a wide variety of locations around the world, the best quality Kyanite hails from the Kali Gandaki Region of West Central Nepal and Tibet.

Gem quality kyanite crystals are colored pale to deep blue or possibly white, gray or green.  Color distribution in crystals may be uneven with darker blue patches further towards the interior.
Kyanite is found in metamorphic gneiss and schist and in pegmatite veins through metamorphic rock formations.  Gem quality crystals can be found in Myanmar, Brazil, Kenya and the European Alps, Alluvial deposits are found in India, Australia and Kenya as well as parts of the USA.  Kyanite crystals have two hardness values; they may be softer parallel to the direction of the cleavage and harder perpendicular to it.

Mystical Properties:

Kyanite is a gemstone that does not accumulate negative energies, and it therefore never need to be cleansed or cleared.  As the energy of kyanite is all but unlimited, it is said to be one of the best gemstones for use as an attunement stone.
Kyanite is known to induce tranquility and calm, as well as enhancing communication and psychic awareness, as well it eases, enhances and supports mediation efforts.
It is an ideal stone for wearing around the neck , as it has beneficial effects on the throat.  It will promote the ability to speak more easily and express oneself more clearly, and will even assist in learning a new language.  Anyone who is in a position where they are required to speak at great lengths would benefit from having kyanite around their neck.

Healing Properties:
This stone is used to treat hearing disorders, eye ailments as well as issues with the sense of smell.
Kyanite is also used as a tool for mediation and relaxation. It is useful in opening the third eye chakra, and to enhance creativity, broaden perception and enhancing the reach to better understand others.
Kyanite is said to foster tranquilly, having a positive effect on ones dreams, visualization and foresightedness.

Chakra Classification: Placed on the 5th, Throat Chakra, kyanite will lighten the soul and combat feelings of lack.
Kyanite has known several uses for chakra balancing. It is told to align all chakras automatically and immediately, without even conscious direction.  It may also be used to alight the layers of the aura, specifically the astral, ethereal, emotional, intellectual and spiritual layers, although this may take some conscious direction.